Brava Dina, Brava

8 06 2010

Very well done Dina! She handled herself very well during this confrontation with Danielle. Or as Danielle would refer to it, the “ambush”. While Dina was planning to speak with Danielle alone, and let her know woman-to-woman how she felt about their relationship or lack there of, Danielle was calling up her goons. Did she really need to call Danny, telling him how she’s nervous that they are trying to ambush her and to sit in the parking lot in case she needs help. What the hell is Danny gonna do to Dina??? Wack her?

I am so tired of seeing this dude, Danny, on the show! He looks like he stepped out of a 1980’s time machine and I really am not impressed by his loud mouth and disrespectful antics. Both him and Danielle need to SAT DOWN (yes, “sat”). In Danielle’s delusions, someone is always sitting at home with the lights off and curtains pulled closed, rubbing their hands together and plotting a devious scheme to rid New Jersey of her once and for all. Please get a life!

When they were finally face to face, Dina expressed to Danielle exactly how she felt (maturely and respectfully). She doesn’t have any beef with Danielle nor does she want to continue the mud slinging and the charades. Dina made it very clear that this was between her and Danielle, and didn’t involve anyone else. So what does Danielle do from the very beginning of the convo? She starts commenting on the Manzos’ and Ashley…. getting loud and offensive. All the while, Dina remained calm and still held her own. She showed her level of class and maturity and I commend her for that because I would love for Danielle to get beat down with a stiletto. Hehehehe, just kidding (but not really). Danielle’s messy behind actually ended up proving Dina’s point! That act right there was the reason why she didn’t want anything to do with her in the first place! Way to go Danielle, somebody show the scarecrow to the City of Oz. Smh!



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